Our Warranty - Country Blooms will guarantee to replace once free of charge any climber for the value of the original price that fails to live for the current growing season, providing the death is not caused from animal, mechanical, frost, hail, or wind damage.
Clematis: Clematis requires full sun to grow best (6+ hours direct sun per day) though some dappled shade during the heat of the day is beneficial. The site should be open enough to allow for air movement around the plants. Soil should be rich and well-draining with a pH close to neutral (7.0). Though the plant's stems and foliage should be in sun, the roots like a cool, moist environment.
A very popular variety, with 4-6” blooms of deep purple. Prune in early spring before buds appear. This is one of the best-known varieties, and grows up 10-12 ft. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3.
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Little Duckling
Spectacular lavender star-shaped flowers, the Little Duckling clematis will bloom in late spring, and again in early fall. Trim the dieback in early spring, and again after the first flush of flowers. It will bloom on old wood, and in maturity is 6 ft.
Hardy to Zone 3.
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Stand by Me Bush Clematis
A compact, non-vining Clematis that has nodding, bell shaped purple-blue flowers that flower from late spring into summer. Has a unique shrubby habit, but will benefit from staking, cages or neighbouring plants for support. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3.
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Nelly Moser
One of the most popular clematis varieties available, Nelly Moser has large 8” pink-lilac coloured flowers. It blooms in early summer and again in early fall. This hardy clematis can grow up to 8-10 ft tall. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Ville de Lyon
Ville de Lyon clematis has a profusion of single, carmine-red flowers and blooms from mid-summer to fall. They flower on growth produced that year, which means it needs a hard pruning in early spring. Can grow up to 8-10 ft tall.
Hardy to Zone 3.
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Large, bright white blooms with pointy petal tips and cream stamens with red-purple tips. Blooms in two waves from early summer to fall, accenting bright green foliage. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Hagley Hybrid
Large, shell pink flowers with a touch of lavender, contrasting with the deep red anthers. Blooms from early summer to fall, accenting dark green foliage. It blooms on current years growth, so prune hard in the early spring.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Comtesse de Bouchard
Masses of large, shell pink flowers with a touch of lavender with creamy yellow stamens accent bright green foliage. The 6-petaled blossoms have slightly overlapping sepals, are wavy edged and have a tendency to curl their tips under, giving them a rounded look. It blooms on current years growth, so prune hard in the early spring.
Hardy to Zone 4
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Ernest Markham
Large, bright, magenta-red petals with golden stamens. Easy to grow and blooms heavily from summer to fall, accenting bright green oval leaves. It blooms on current years growth, so prune hard in early spring.
Hardy to Zone 2
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Gypsy Queen
This vigorous climber gets covered with a profusion of large, remarkably velvety, violet-purple flowers with dark red stamens. On first opening, the blossoms are an intense dark red, before rapidly changing to deep violet. Blooms from mid-summer to early fall. It blooms on current years growth, so prune hard in early spring.
Hardy to Zone 4
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Blue Ravine
This climber is a University of British Columbia, Botanical Garden introduction. The flowers are soft violet with slightly darker veins. Blooms from May to September. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Cardinal Wyszynski
This climber produces crisp, star-shaped blooms, that develop into a billowy shape as they mature. The bloom is a rich, lustrous red, almost crimson. Blooms from summer to fall. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Duchess of Edinburgh
This vigorous climber produces luminous, fully double, pure white flowers composed of several layers of narrow white sepals that tend to curve at their tips. Blooming comes in two waves, first in late spring to early summer, and again from late summer to fall. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Dr. Ruppel
This large-flowered variety produces masses of beautiful, delicately ruffled, pale pink flowers with wide reddish pink central bars and prominent, light chocolate anthers. Petals take on lavender hues as they age. Blooming comes in two waves, first in late spring to early summer, and again from late summer to fall. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
General Sikorski
This large-flowered variety has mid-mauve blue flowers with a tinge of red in the centre of each sepal and prominent yellow anthers. The flowers are followed by fluffy silver seedheads, which add further interest. Blooming comes in two waves, first in late spring to early summer, and again from late summer to fall. Prune in early spring before buds appear.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Gillian Blades
This large-flowered variety has spectacularly large white flowers with wavy margins, with pale cream-yellow anthers. Blooming comes in two waves, first in late spring to early summer, and again from late summer to fall. Prune after first flush of flowers in spring.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
H.F. Young
This variety has single, soft blue and violet saucer-shaped blooms with cream anthers. It is a compact climber, and blooms in two waves. First in late spring to early summer, and again from late summer to fall. Prune after first flush of flowers in spring.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $22.95
Hardy, vigorous vine with dark green, three-lobbed. Serrated foliage and hairy stems. Attractive pale green, cone-shaped blooms hang from wiry tendrils in late summer. Adaptable to moist or dry soils. Drought tolerant once established. Requires a support structure and mature height can reach 20ft.
Hardy to Zone 3
Golden Comet Hops
Fast growing, twining vine with striking, lemon to yellow-green foliage. Stems have strong hairs that enable the vine to climb practically anywhere. Masses of light green cone-like blooms hang down from leaf axils in the summer. Best with a support structure. Mature height is 18-20 ft.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $26.95
Bianca Hops
A vigorous ornamental climber with cone-shaped clusters of yellowish-green fruit; foliage emerges chartreuse and matures to light green. Tough and adaptable, use as a screen or quick cover. Needs structural support, cut to the ground in spring. Mature size is 18-20 ft.
Hardy to Zone 3
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Cascade Hops
Cold-hardy and very decorative, ‘Cascade’ is a strong-growing vine with long twining stems clad with deeply lobed, serrated, dark green leaves. Clusters of pale green, fragrant flowers add texture in late summer to early fall and mature to drooping, papery fruits resembling pinecones. Mature size is 12-15 ft.
Hardy to Zone 4
Gallon Pot: $24.95
Virginia Creeper
Glossy palm-shaped green foliage turns crimson in fall accenting clusters of small ornamental purple-black berries. Hardy, fast growing, self cling native vine. Tolerates clay/poor soils, erosion and planting near Black Walnut. Drought tolerant once established. Mature height can reach 20ft.
Hardy to Zone 2
Gallon Pot: $16.95
Virginia Creeper ‘Star Showers’
A fast-growing vine that clings to walls and other surfaces for a quick, dense cover. The lovely green leaves have speckled markings that resemble a heavy paint splatter pattern. The foliage develops an overcast of pink colouring in cooler weather. Mature size can be 20-30 ft.
Hardy to Zone 4
Gallon Pot: 24.95
Boston Ivy
Noted for its smaller leaves, Boston Ivy is a very vigorous climber boasting mostly ovate rich, deep green leaves, turning to brilliant shades of crimson, scarlet and burgundy in the fall. Greenish-white flowers appear in late spring, eventually giving way to blue-black berries in the fall. Use Boston Ivy carefully, as the tendrils have adhesive like tips that allow the plant to cement itself to walls and make it difficult to remove.
Hardy to Zone 4
Gallon Pot: $24.95
4 90008 RGE RD 210
Lethbridge County, AB T1J 5R9
Monday - Saturday: 9-5:00pm
Closed Sunday. Open for the Season on March 3rd 2025!
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